

What if i want to use a button?

Well you can use our 7 ready to use buttons in your designs, or you can create your own style using our theme settings. Here’s a nice example of our ready to use buttons. Forgot to mention that you can set a float parameter, a size and also add a custom margin to each one of your buttons:

Green Button Yellow Button Red Button Blue Button Purple Button Black Button Grey Button


Here’s a nice example of text combined with a green button, float left:

My First ButtonNam dictum bibendum velit, non feugiat urna euismod ac. Maecenas tincidunt, turpis sed tempus scelerisque, elit nisl sollicitudin nunc, non hendrerit tellus quam in arcu. Nullam vel lobortis turpis. Duis enim massa, posuere in porta a, malesuada ornare magna. Praesent at velit arcu. Sed eu suscipit odio. Nam velit velit, dictum nec pulvinar quis, pulvinar sit amet tortor. Proin ultrices nibh vel eros condimentum eu tristique enim feugiat. Nunc ullamcorper magna vitae quam fermentum id laoreet orci ornare

Here’s a nice example of text combined with a blue button, float right:

My First ButtonNam dictum bibendum velit, non feugiat urna euismod ac. Maecenas tincidunt, turpis sed tempus scelerisque, elit nisl sollicitudin nunc, non hendrerit tellus quam in arcu. Nullam vel lobortis turpis. Duis enim massa, posuere in porta a, malesuada ornare magna. Praesent at velit arcu. Sed eu suscipit odio. Nam velit velit, dictum nec pulvinar quis, pulvinar sit amet tortor. Proin ultrices nibh vel eros condimentum eu tristique enim feugiat. Nunc ullamcorper magna vitae quam fermentum id laoreet orci ornare

What about a bigger button?

Yes that’s also possible. We have prepared bigger sized buttons for those of you who want to impress your visitors right from the start. Just like before you can set a margin, float and of course the size parameter: large is the parameter will make your button stand out. Check them out, all 7 styles bellow:

Green Button Yellow Button Red Button Blue Button Purple Button Black Button Grey Button